Used Curriculum

Homeschool Meeting Place will consider purchasing gently used educational materials for Pre-k through 12th grade, including books, media, manipulatives, science supplies, educational games, and classic readers. All materials must be CURRENT, CLEAN, and COMPLETE. Items will be declined that are older editions, dusty/dirty, have missing parts or pages, or have some workbook pages that are already filled in (although you are welcome to bless other homeschool families by placing these items on the “free” exchange tables and shelves in the store).used book

Drop off your items with your name, mailing address, and phone number. We will assess the items and make an offer. The offer will address what we’re willing to purchase, what we’d like to purchase but have excess inventory of at the current time but would consider for purchase when inventory levels drop, and what we would not purchase. If you accept the offer we will issue a check for the amount and you may pick it up or have it mailed to you. If you wish us to retain items we are overstocked on to purchase at a future time you can let us know. If you wish to donate items to the “free” exchange let us know. Any items you don’t wish to sell may be picked up within two weeks. You can expect to receive approximately 60% of what we will price the item. The difference is used to fund the operation and offerings of the resource center and the parent support group. All staff and workers are volunteers for these are non-profit organizations and no funds support any curriculum or supplier businesses.